+52 (867) 770-7530
+1 956-7909278

We joined together to celebrate the children of Dr. Sonrisas

We carried out our #RutaConCausa campaign on the occasion of Children's Day.

Once again and with great enthusiasm we carried out our #Ruta con Causa campaign on the occasion of Children's Day, celebrating the children of Dr. Sonrisas.

On Monday, April 29th the children of Asociación Dr. Sonrisas celebrated and had a great time at their children's day celebration. On this occasion we supported with meals, children's show and bowling.

We are delighted to continue to be part of these campaigns that generate a positive change and impact on society.

We remind you that the purpose of the #RutaConCausa campaigns is to unite as a company to go further in helping those who need it most. Esperamos seguir contando con tu apoyo.

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