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The 7 most transported products during the summer

In the summer, freight transportation between Mexico and the United States intensifies.

During the summer, the transportation of goods by road between Mexico and the United States intensifies, reflecting the dynamism of bilateral trade. Among the most transported products are:

1. Fresh fruits and vegetables

Fruits such as avocados, mangoes, watermelons, and strawberries, along with vegetables such as tomatoes, chili peppers, and cucumbers, are transported in large volumes. These goods require careful handling in refrigerated trucks to maintain freshness during transit.

2. Drinks

Mexican beer is particularly popular in the U.S. market, with brands such as Corona and Modelo leading exports. These beverages are transported under controlled conditions to ensure their quality.

3. Electronic products

Items such as televisions, household appliances and electronic parts make up a significant portion of road freight traffic this season.

4. Automobiles and automotive parts

The transportation of finished automobiles and automotive parts is increasing, driven by seasonal demand and preparation for new model launches. This shipment includes vehicles assembled in Mexican plants and parts needed for production in U.S. factories.

5. Clothing and footwear

There is an increase in demand for lightweight apparel, swimwear and footwear, which drives the transportation of these goods. Mexican companies are taking advantage of the geographic proximity to quickly supply U.S. retailers.

6. Plastics and chemicals

Trade in these products is essential for the manufacture of consumer goods and industrial products. The transportation of these materials requires special security measures due to their nature.

7. Building materials

Construction materials such as cement, steel, and glass are transported in large volumes from Mexico to the United States to meet the demand for infrastructure and building projects.

Construction materials such as cement, steel, and glass are transported in large volumes from Mexico to the United States to meet the demand for infrastructure and building projects.

OpenAi (2024)

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