+52 (867) 770-7530
+1 956-7909278

Christmas has arrived to Zaro!

After two years of pandemic due to Covid19, this 2022 we returned to enjoy our traditional Christmas posadas.

Last Thursday, December 15, the posada was held in Nuevo Laredo, where our administrative collaborators and operators enjoyed a pleasant celebration at the Hacienda los Portales, while the posada of the Torreon offices was held on Friday, December 16 at Villa Jardin 49, with the presence of our colleagues from Mexico City and Mty.

In the different posadas our employees enjoyed a wonderful evening, with laughter, dynamics, games, dancing and lots of fun.

Afterwards, a raffle was held where some lucky winners won gifts, among them 55" screens.

We appreciate the presence of each one of you and we hope you enjoyed sharing another year being part of this great Zaro family!

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