+52 (867) 770-7530
+1 956-7909278

GRANDPARENT'S DAY: Together we make a difference

We joined together as a company to visit and help the elderly.

On this occasion, our #RutaConCausa campaign was because of the Grandfather's Day, in which we joined as a company to visit and help those most in need.

Last Monday, August 28th , in conjunction with the Yhvh Jhanun Vera association located in Lerdo Durango, we had the opportunity to provide support to elderly adults in a state of vulnerability.

We began a tour of different neighborhoods in Lerdo and Gomez Palacio where we visited homes and distributed 25 grocery baskets containing a variety of basic groceries and hygiene items, accompanied by a cake to brighten their day.

Listening to their life stories and seeing firsthand the situations in which the grandparents live is certainly a powerful experience. 

#RutaconCausa was born to contribute our grain of sand to all those sectors that need us, we seek to raise awareness and continue to support as much as possible.  

Collaborator, thank you for your solidarity and empathy with our campaigns, we invite you to join this great initiative. 

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